Sunday, June 12, 2011

E3 reactions

I'm going to skip an introduction and jump straight into this. E3 was brilliant! (English much?) So many good games that were announced! However, with the good games, there were also the bad games... Let's talk about Microsoft.

Okay, you all might be completely against me for saying this, but I'm NOT a big Microsoft fan. We do own an Xbox 360, but the only one who uses it is my brother (which isn't very often). I, myself, own NO games for it at all. How do I put this? I feel that Xbox is all about first person shooter games, which I am not crazy about. Now don't get me wrong, there are plenty of first person shooter games that I love, but they are definitely not my favorite. I'm more about adventure, RPG, and platforming games myself. Anyway, back on topic. I couldn't seem to enjoy Microsoft's press conference. I was literally bored out of my mind, that I gave up and stopped. It seemed like EVERYTHING was for Kinect. Just for the record, I will never, ever purchase a Kinect. I don't feel like spending the money, and it doesn't impress me at all. Yes, I have played Kinect before, which was somewhat fun. Not nearly as entertaining as Wii Sports or the PlayStation Move though. I felt like they were pushing the Kinect games a little too far. Plus, I don't know about you, but I like holding a controller when I play games.
Hopefully you guys don't bite my head off or anything, but this is entirely my opinion. I do admit that I should play some more Xbox games, but my motivation for that is close to zero. I bet if I gave it more of a chance, I would probably enjoy it. I know this isn't really a review for Microsoft's press conference. Especially since I haven't brought up a single game. Oh boy... le's skip this shall we?

Sony's press conference was much more enjoyable! The PlayStation Vita (PSV) seems pretty awesome! This should be out globally by the end of 2011. Most of the games that were announced seemed awesome! Ruin looked like an awesome game! There was also a Sly Cooper game announced as well. Bioshock Infinite was announced. I haven't played the Bioshock games, but hear they are great games! This one looked good too! They also announced another Bioshock game for the PSV as well.

Now onto my favorite, Nintendo! LOVED their press conference! The orchestra and the awesome Zelda opening made it 10x more thrilling! We got some pretty amazing games on the way! Of course Zelda, Skyward Sword! I know I shouldn't be saying this since I haven't played it yet, but I have a feeling it's going to be the BEST Zelda game yet! The art in the game was stunning! I love the cartoonish/anime style. Also, this is my favorite Link design yet, as well as Zelda's! The trailer revealed some awesome looking characters, gorgeous place settings, and not to mention all orchestrated music! My inner fan girl was rejoicing!
Now let's talk about some other games. The new Mario game for the 3DS looks amazing as well! We also got 2 Kirby games! Kirby Mass Attack for the DS and Kiry Wii! Both look adorably fun! xD
Kid Icarus look hella awesome! I. cannot. wait! Plus, a new Luigi's Mansion! Could it get any better!? LOVED the first Luigi's Mansion, and was not expecting a sequel at all! Totally surprised!
Some of the games, however, were not revealed during the press conference. Some like, Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 (which looks amazing! You know me, I'm a HUGE DQ fan!) A new Professor Layton games, FINALLY! The Last Specter. If you read my previous post, then you know I was anticipating this one. Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, and Mario Party # ? (lost count) xD
Nintendo also announced a new system called the Wii U. I really don't want to get into this too much. It looks really neat, but I'm still iffy about it. Hopefully they'll make some minor changes. It is still early after all.
That about wraps it up for Nintendo's review. The only thing I was REALLY looking forward to was Dragon Quest X. Hopefully later this year we'll hear some stuff. It is coming out out the Wii after all.

So, that about sums up my E3 review/reactions. I know it may seem lame since I mainly focused on Nintendo. What can I say? I'm a Nintendo girl! ^^

Please let me know what you guys thought about it. I love to read other people's reactions!


**A side note! I promise next blog post will be about my journey to Colossalcon (anime convention). I just wanted to do an E3 blog post while it was still fresh! I'll also have a video and plenty of picture as well! :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Anticipating E3!

Oh boy, another long break. I try, I try. Sorry all!

So I promise this entry won't be as random and weird as my last one. I have lots to talk about! Let's get started!

Now that college is done for the semester, I can focus on more important things..... video games! E3 is just around the corner, but it sure is taking a long time! I just know that this will be an awesome event. Can't wait! Here's what I hope to hear from E3:
More information about Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Wii 2, Cave Story 3D, HOPEFULLY another Professor Layton game, Dragon Quest X, Super Mario 3D (not real title), and plenty more but I'm not going to name all of them. These are just the ones I'm REALLY looking forward to hearing about.

It's been 5 years since Twilight Princess, and we NEED to know more about this new Zelda game! Rumors are going around that Nintendo might release it on their new console (which looks extremely unlikely but we never know). I'm all for having a Zelda for the Wii, but all for the new console as well. Only downfall is that we will have to wait even LONGER than we have.

Wii 2 will not be the name for the new console, but many people are calling it that at the moment just to keep it simple. It seems like the controller will have a touch screen on it which sounds awesome! The controller will be pretty big too. Here's some fun pictures people designed for the new controller. Link

Cave Story 3D. I. can't. wait! I've played the original on DSi Ware, however, I have yet to finish it. (right at the end though!) This game is actually a free software game you can play online, but I recommend downloading it on Wii Ware or DSi Ware. It's a slightly better gaming experience. The release for this game on the 3DS came out back in March (?), and already it's release date is June 19th. Here is the box art

Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute BETTER be announced at E3! It's a little ridiculous that Europe got this game, and we have not. It's been about a year since Unwound Future, so it's time for a new one! I would think the Layton games sell well here, so there shouldn't be a problem, right!? Huge fan of the Professor Layton series. It would also be nice hearing about the Layton/Phoenix Wright crossover game! So excited for that! Check out the trailer for it!

Dragon Quest X was announced to be released for the Wii, which makes me super happy since I'm a huge Nintendo girl. They have not said when it will be done or anything else on the matter, so hopefully there will be some information about it at E3. (I'm looking forward to this news more than anything.)

So at the GDC, they talked about a new Mario game for the 3DS. Not much has been reveled, but the title had a tail at the end of Mario. I'm sure that all of you who have played Super Mario Bros. 3 know what this tail is *wink wink*. Really looking forward to this!

So that all I'll go on about for E3. Can't wait!

Now I have some information that might make you all happy. (I know it made me happy!) So Square Enix is celebrating Dragon Quest's 25th anniversary by releasing a collection of games for the Wii! The game will be Dragon Quest 1-5 I believe. They also are giving away Slime plushies as well! Bad news to all this is that we can't guarantee this will come out in America. The release is only for Japan as of now. It would be AMAZING if we could get this! I would buy this in a heartbeat! Here's a link for more information. I'll be super angry if we don't get it! >:(

I have some miscellaneous news to share. I'm finally done with my semester at college, which gives me more game time! I finally picked up Pokemon Black and made it to the Elite Four! (I'm getting slaughtered) I also started Dragon Quest VIII again! I got through a dungeon and working on getting my ship! I also have plans to finish Cave Story before the 3DS one comes out!
Speaking of 3DS, I got one! xD I was actually going to wait for when OoT came out, but I couldn't wait much longer! Plus, I would get tons of Street Passes for my upcoming anime convention!
I only have 1 game for my 3DS; Nintendogs plus cats. I have NEVER owned or played a Nintendogs game before, so this is my first. Love it! Addicting and adorable!
For those considering buying a 3DS, it's worth it. Don't listen to all the complainers who think it's pointless. They know NOTHING. The features are incredible! I had fun playing with it without a game! Theres tons you can do! Also, 3D doesn't bother my eyes so I have no issues with it. I actually LOVE 3D. Please let me know if anyone gets a 3DS so we can trade friend codes! ^_^

Can't remember if I mentioned this in my last post, but I purchased Heavy Rain and Batman Arkham Asylum. Started Heavy Rain but didn't get far at all. I like it a lot so far, but it's slightly depressing. Hahaha. Can't wait to start Batman!

I received my cosplay costume for Franziska Von Karma! It's so awesome. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and document moments!

My brother just started writing reviews for games on this gaming site! They'll be changing it soon though, but please read his review on Portal 2! :D Portal 2 review

So thats about all for today. I probably won't blog till after the anime convention and/or E3. Be sure to follow my tweets for exciting news on games! Have a lovely day everyone! xD Enjoy E3!

-Riss ^^

Big thanks to my brother. I would not be able to provide most of this helpful information if it weren't for him! :D

A side note: I'm working on a new banner, but it's taking longer than I thought! Hopefully by the end of the week!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nintendo's new console and misc. rambles

Greeting all!

I have made some fancy shmancy changes to my blog. Now all I need is a new border. I'm working on it! I'm making it myself! (gotta put these photoshop skills into action).

GOOD NEWS!! Nintendo is in progress on making a new system! So happy! Nothing is revealed yet, except there are rumors that the controller will have a touch screen on it. AMAZING! How awesome is that?! E3 is going to be great. I can feel it. (don't let us down Nintendo!)

So why do I always blog late at night? I think I have more motivation to do it or something. Well, who cares. At least I'm doing it.
So I purchased my cosplay outfit today (lame cuz I don't make them, I know) and I'm super excited now! I just need a whip and I'll be good! I'm going as Franziska Von Karma from the Phoenix Wright series. Here be a picture of her...

So you know how I was going on about Teen Titans in the last post? Well, I sorta bought the first season on Amazon (since NO PLACES SELL IT ANYMORE!! WTH?!) I got it for $8! Come on now, thats pretty awesome! So I got it yesterday, and I'm almost done watching all 13 episodes... obsessed? I think YES! I'm actually in the process of buying the second season right now. (I literally have amazon open xD)

Okay. Video games. I need to make progress! I'm been really busy guys.... I mean REALLY busy. I'm slammed with projects and studies since the semester is almost over, and on top of that I work everyday of the week except Thursdays. Life sucks. I have no time to do hardly anything. I go to school, come home and work on homework, then go to work, come home and work on more homework....then sleep. UGHHH!!! >:( I'm also getting over a cold so that makes everything 10x worse....
But I am being trained to wait tables so I'm happy about that! :D
Well, unfortunately, no news on video games. I still haven't picked up Pokemon for a while. I'm thinking about starting up DQ8 any second now.

However, there is some news on gaming... Portal 2! Soooo good! Feels just as good as the old one. Not very far in it, but my brother is making progress!

I think I'm going to purchase a 3DS in June. Then I can play Zelda OoT. Good idea? I think so.

I'm out of things to blog about. This entry was super random and weird. Sorry guys. Next entry will be better. I'll talk about upcoming games and stuffzzz. But for now, I think I'll call this a post. I'm going to watch more Teen Titans. Good night all!

-Marissa ^^

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm a DC comic girl.

Hello fellow (2) followers! How be you!? I'm back!
So I know what your thinking... "why are you talking about comics on a video game blog!?" Now, now, all is well. I will get to that soon. But for now, let's talk gaming!

Been playing Pokemon Black and I have yet to finish it! (shame on me). I am, however, at the 8th gym, but I need more training to do! My poor Cubchoo can't handle the mighty dragons. *sniffles* I've also been super busy with school and work so my video gaming has been on hiatus. (it really sucks being a college student). The semester is almost done, which means more games! Yay! But also means work too. I am taking a summer class this year. Might as well get it out of the way. It's math too.... yuck! However, I shouldn't be TOO busy this summer...

Along with Pokemon I am playing Dragon Quest 8. Which has also been paused due to Pokemon and life. *sigh* I just can't win can I? I need a good month dedicated to nothing but video games! Wouldn't that be wonderful.
I'm about 16 hours or so into DQ8, but I still have a long, long ways to go still. (I literally just got the world map and haven't even explored half of it yet.) Oh boy. But, I plan to finish it by August! That is my goal! Then I can get a move on my other DQ games. (I have about 5 of them) Love Dragon Quest. It's probably my favorite series, along with Zelda that is! Oh what do I know?! I can't pick a favorite game to save my life!

Got exciting news! A new Harvest Moon game has been announced for the 3DS and the DS! Tale of Two Towns! You basically have 2 different lives! Sounds so awesome! Click here for more info!

I'm so pumped! I love Harvest Moon games! They're so addicting and fun!
Other good news, Cave Story for 3DS on June 28th!!!! ZOMG!! LOVE CAVE STORY!! If you haven't played it, do so now! It's originally a free online game, but I recommend purchasing it on DSi Ware or Wii ware! Better gaming experience! I am so happy for this! This is a great way for more people to play this awesome game! Unfortunately I have yet to beat it, but I'm right at the end! My brother just finished it, and he loved it! ^^
Click here for more info.
Oh, and if your wondering.... I have not purchased a 3DS yet. *cries* I will soon though! I just need more money..and time! O_o

So, about this DC comic thing.... I'm not gonna lie, I love comics. (even though I own like 2). My dork meter just went up didn't it?
HUGE Batman fan. I had a Batman cupcake at my graduation party! Don't believe me? Here's a picture!

(Holy blonde hair Batman!) Did that for Riza Hawkeye cosplay! xD
Aww yeah! Thats right yo! xD
I literally just got done watching Batman Begins! Fantastic movie may I say? Christian Bale is my fav! :D Next movie is gonna be sweet! Midnight showing for that fo sho!
So, this whole comic book phase started with Teen Titans. I LOVE TT! I won't lie though, the cartoon got me started. I watched the series premier when I was in 6th grade! 12 years old! Can't believe it! The show ended my freshmen year in high school! I really don't know why they never made season 6. The show was so popular! Very sad.... However, last summer they started showing it on Boomerang every weeknight at 10:30, followed by The Batman! What better combination is there!? They also started airing it again on Cartoonnetwork for a good period of time, but now it's off on both stations! D: I'm super sad! I just started getting back into it! Grrr... (can never be too old for the cartoons you love, eh!?)

Alright, sorry for the long blog post. But I had lots to talk about! Next time I'll keep it shorter. And I'm still considering vlogging, but we'll see how this goes first. Anyway, I should go to bed. It's almost 1:00am, and I have class in the morning...eww.
But before I go, here's just a list of games I need to start/finish.

-Pokemon Black
-Chrono Trigger
-999 (9 hours, 9 persons, 9 doors)
-Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth Investigations
-Super Princess Peach (which I will be purchasing soon!)

Thats all I'll list for now. Good night all! Also, be expecting some fancy shmancy changes to my blog. I'm not crazy about this theme.... -_-'


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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More to come!

I swear I'm going to start blogging more, but right now things are tough. It'll be a good 2-3 weeks before anything really starts going on. Please bare with me!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pray for Japan...

Yeah, yeah. I know it's been yet another long break from my blogging, but I really wanted to dedicate this one for Japan. Please send your thought and prayers to them. They are going through a tragic time. I pray that all will end soon! Japan is such a beautiful country. It is my life long dream to go there. You are in our thoughts and prayers! xoxoxo

On a happier note, I have a Twitter! Follow me! I'm way more active on there than here! Also, I'm thinking about starting a Vlog, but still debating. It will be mainly about video games and all that geeky stuff. xD
Hope everyone is doing well! Till next time!

-Rissie ^^


Monday, January 31, 2011

I have a bad habit..

...OF NOT BLOGGING MORE!! I really do love blogging....seriously, I do! But I always forget about it >_< I'm ashamed!
Ughhh.... so stuff has happened. Mainly bad stuff but I'm over it now. I'm too old for this immaturity BS... -_-'

I LOVE my new college! Close to home, and cheap! Plus my classes are awesome! Except for anatomy..... yuck. I really don't like that stuff. But graphic design is amazing! So much to do! :o
Not to mention many people who love anime and video games like me! Easier to click with that crowd! xD

So I kinda have a slight obsession..with Harvest Moon Animal Parade for the Wii. Don't play it. If you do, you'll devote your soul to that game and never leave the house for weeks, maybe even months. It's worse than a drug... much worse. This drug is incurable. Play with caution..
Okay, so I'm exaggerating a little... okay maybe a lot, but I am being honest! I can't STOP PLAYING! I LOVE IT! For those whom have never played a Harvest Moon game before; You have a farm that you take care of, buy crops and plant them, raise and take care of animals (wide variety of livestock to choose from), you get married, have children, cook, mine, work, make money.... it's the life of a country bumpkin! AMAZING! I've been wasting my days playing that.

I also just got done playing a game called Ghost Trick! This just came out a few weeks ago, and it was FANTASTIC! This game was made by Takumi. (same guy who made the Ace Attorney games) He's brilliant! I officially love him! (Well I kinda have for a while xD) I seriously recommend yo!

Alright, I'm going to go to bed now. I has schools tomorrowssss. D: I PROMISE to blog more....I HOPE!

-Rissa ^^

**I need to stop starting sentences with the word, 'but'. Bad habit to get into.